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Greetings and Welcome to KUMA,

Your home away from home; a sort of soul cafe where adults of all ages can roam and browse freely through our vast array of erotic art, poetry, short stories and audio. Some have even managed to connect with other sistahs who share these same interests through our Personals. So turn up the heat. Grab a mug of that favorite herbal tea or hot coffee. Relax and let the sensuality of KUMA take over. Let KUMA invigorate your desire and ignite your passion.

Lastly, thank you for making this all possible. Without your personal journeys, abilities to survive and soar against the odds, KUMA would not be possible. Keep writing and continue dreaming. Read more about Kuma.

The Next Girl & Other Lesbian Tales
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The Closet Case
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Skyeview - A Sistah's View Of The World



The Art Gallery

Cherry's Grove
Audio Downloads

Cherry's Games

Relationship Issues

Domestic Violence
Special Features

Kuma Photo Album

Tales of the Talented Tongue

S&M 101 - a beginner's resource



The Steam Room


Traditional African Religions

Our Favorite Links

Writer's Resources

KUMA is dedicated to Black same gender loving womyn everywhere, whose countless stories go unheard. Once you've perused the site to your satisfaction and after you're all worked up, show us what you can do. Reclaim your erotic power and enable another sistah at the same time by sharing your stories, poems, art, photography and film.

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All Rights Reserved.