- Sexually promiscuous
- Sexually dangerous
- Carriers of sexual disease can contaminate by touch
- Socially marginal
- Cannot control their sexuality
- Seek special rights (i.e. affirmative action)
- Condemned by God (Genesis) - Curse of Ham
- Interracial marriage illegal until 1967
- Inordinately talented: singing, dancing, athletics
- Have agenda in opposition to white, male dominant culture
- Criminal element in society
- Wants to have sex with your sister
- Important to keep Blacks out of history books
- Feared & hated by dominant culture
- Love/Hate relationship with Hollywood
- Whites seek out African Americans for clandestine sex and turtive sexual tavors
- Armed forces segregated until 1947 due to fear of sharing bathing tacilities
- Blacks are labeled detriments to morale
- Anti-black jokes common
- Anti-black violence common
- Ridiculed and despised by talk radio
- Taunted hounded beaten & murdered for being black
- Did not chose to be Black but deserving of discrimination anyway
- Simply need to act more white to make in mainstream culture
- Destined to spend eternity in a segregated heaven
- Sexually promiscuous
- Sexually dangerous
- Carriers of sexual disease can contaminate by touch
- Socially marginal
- Cannot control their sexuality
- Seek special rights (i.e. gay marriage)
- Condemned by God (Leviticus) - Sodomy laws
- Gay marriage unlawful
- Inordinately talented: art, fashion, pop culture
- Have agenda in opposition to white, male dominant culture
- Criminal element in society
- Wants to have sex with YOU
- Important to keep gays out of history books
- Feared & hated by dominant culture
- Love/Hate relationship with Hollywood
- Heteros seek out homosexuals for clandestine sex and turtive sexual tavors
- Armed forces ban openly gay personnel due to fear of sharing bathing tacilities
- Gays are labeled detriments to morale
- Anti-gay jokes common
- Anti-gay violence common
- Ridiculed and despised by talk radio
- Taunted, hounded beaten & murdered for being gay
- Deliberately chose to be gay and therefore deserving of discriminiation
- Simply need to act more straight to make it in mainstream culture
- Destined to spend eternity in a segregated hell